The symptoms of a boutonniere deformity

This deformity is recognizable by the joint nearest the knuckle (the proximal interphalangeal joint) being bent permanently towards the palm, while the farthest joint (the distal interphalangeal joint) is bent back away.
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The symptoms of a boutonniere deformity

This deformity is recognizable by the joint nearest the knuckle (the proximal interphalangeal joint) being bent permanently towards the palm, while the farthest joint (the distal interphalangeal joint) is bent back away.
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The symptoms of a boutonniere deformity

This deformity is recognizable by the joint nearest the knuckle (the proximal interphalangeal joint) being bent permanently towards the palm, while the farthest joint (the distal interphalangeal joint) is bent back away.

What are the most common causes?

The deformity is often caused by a trauma that cuts or tears a tendon or can be secondary to a disease such as rheumatoid arthritis.

What are the symptoms?

The deformity is typical and easy to recognize. However, there may be a delay of several weeks between the injury and the deformity. Early signs are swelling and pain in the joints.

How is it diagnosed?

Diagnosis is generally straightforward; if the deformity was caused by an accident, a tendon tear can be ruled out by X-rays.


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« I will always be grateful to Dr. Brutus for restoring my quality of life. After a year and a half of pain and sleepless nights, I regained the use of my hands the very same day of my surgery; it was, quite simply, a miracle. Again, my thanks. »

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