The symptoms of a cubital tunnel syndrome

It is a condition caused by excess pressure on the ulnar nerve in the wrist or elbow, leading to numbness and loss of hand function.
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The symptoms of a cubital tunnel syndrome

It is a condition caused by excess pressure on the ulnar nerve in the wrist or elbow, leading to numbness and loss of hand function.
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The symptoms of a cubital tunnel syndrome

It is a condition caused by excess pressure on the ulnar nerve in the wrist or elbow, leading to numbness and loss of hand function.

What are the most common causes?

Repetitive bending (flexion) of the elbow or wrist can cause the condition. External pressure can also be exerted by a cyst or aneurism in the ulnar artery. Workers employed in heavy physical labour and people who lift weights with their palms are most often affected.

What are the symptoms?

The first indications appear as numbness and loss of sensation in the ring and pinky fingers. Pain can be felt in the elbow or forearm and wrist. Hand muscles can lose strength and begin to atrophy, leading to weakness and a loss of coordination.

How is it diagnosed?

A history of the injury and clinical examination are essential to identify the site where the nerve is being compressed. Electromyography can be useful in confirming the diagnosis and assessing the severity of the condition.

Physical examination


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