The possible causes of an extensor tendon pain
The extensor tendons are located on the back of the hand and allow us to extend the fingers, wrist and thumb. A torn tendon will make it impossible to straighten the affected joint. Contact us to make an appointment
The possible causes of an extensor tendon pain
The extensor tendons are located on the back of the hand and allow us to extend the fingers, wrist and thumb. A torn tendon will make it impossible to straighten the affected joint. Contact us to make an appointment
The possible causes of an extensor tendon pain
The extensor tendons are located on the back of the hand and allow us to extend the fingers, wrist and thumb. A torn tendon will make it impossible to straighten the affected joint.
What are the most common causes?
The extensor tendons lie just under the skin and are especially vulnerable to cuts or tears. Enclosed traumas – such as a blow, occurring without an open wound to the skin – can also cause tears.
What are the symptoms?
The patient is unable to extend the fingers, thumb or wrist; often, the affected finger will be visibly crooked. “Boutonniere” or “mallet” deformities are very common. In all cases, a consultation with a surgical specialist is recommended.
How is it diagnosed?
As a rule, a clinical examination is sufficient to make a diagnosis. X-rays may be required. As tendons tend to contract following a cut or tear, prompt surgical repair is recommended.