The symptoms of upper limbs sport injuries

Dr. Brutus regularly treats recreational and professional athletes. Whenever possible, the treatment approach will be conservative to promote rapid healing. If surgery is necessary, however, he will always choose minimally invasive techniques.
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The symptoms of upper limbs sport injuries

Dr. Brutus regularly treats recreational and professional athletes. Whenever possible, the treatment approach will be conservative to promote rapid healing. If surgery is necessary, however, he will always choose minimally invasive techniques.
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The symptoms of upper limbs sport injuries

Dr. Brutus regularly treats recreational and professional athletes. Whenever possible, the treatment approach will be conservative to promote rapid healing. If surgery is necessary, however, he will always choose minimally invasive techniques.

Sport injuries


The most common cycling injuries are ligament tears in the fingers and wrists as well as hand and wrist fractures, including the infamous scaphoid fracture. Injuries to the forearm and elbow are also common. Other, non-accidental injuries are categorized as overuse and repetitive-movement injuries, such as carpal tunnel, ulnar tunnel, radial tunnel and Guyon’s canal syndromes. There are also forms of tendinitis, such as De Quervain’s, and tennis or golf elbow. Being aware of potential cycling injuries means taking a preventive approach to the sport, including wearing such safety gear as helmet and gloves that can help prevent certain injuries. The bicycle seat and handlebar height should also be chosen with care and properly adjusted.


Boxing and martial arts

Boxers and practitioners of the martial arts, both traditional and mixed, are prone to hand and wrist injuries, usually caused by improper punching techniques. The boxer’s fracture is a familiar condition, but ligament tears are also common in the fingers and wrist. The boxer will most frequently experience ligament tears in the knuckles, causing dislocation of the extensor tendons when the fist is clenched. This type of injury is easily repaired but can be disabling if left untreated. Perfect technique, good gloves and proper taping are essential to the safe practice of these extreme sports.

Skiing and snowboarding

The four most common injuries in skiing and snowboarding are dislocated shoulder, humerus fractures, torn thumb ligaments and wrist injuries. Skier’s thumb is well-known; it occurs when a skier falls and the ski pole is trapped between the thumb and index finger. The skier’s full weight is brought to bear on the thumb caught in the strap, often resulting in a serious ligament tear. Hand and wrist injuries are even more common among snowboarders, many of whom injure their wrists because they aren’t wearing protective equipment.


Biking and motocross

Injuries sustained in these activities are generally caused by accidents and collisions. Proper muscular and joint warmup is often overlooked, leaving riders susceptible to injuries, and fatigue is also a factor. Ligament and tendon tears in the wrists and elbows are the most common complaints, followed by scaphoid, radial and forearm bone fractures.


Upper limb injuries occur frequently in basketball as a result of contact incidents and even non-impact events. Fractures, ligament tears and dislocated fingers are the most common; falls on the wrist often cause fractures of the scaphoid and radial bones and can cause serious ligament tears. Tendon tears, such as the swan neck or boutonniere deformities, are also regular.



Fractured metacarpal bones and fingers are the most common upper-limb injuries in this sport. Torn thumb ligaments and tendon tears are also common (mallet finger, swan neck deformity, boutonniere deformity, jersey finger). Falls on hard surfaces also cause fractures in the scaphoid and radial bones as well as wrist sprains. Shoulder and elbow dislocation is not uncommon. Defensive players seem to be most at risk.

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