Wrist cartilage and ligament tear treatment

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Wrist cartilage and ligament tear treatment

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Wrist cartilage and ligament tear treatment

For a minor sprain, the wrist will be splinted. A complex or serious tear will require surgery to repair the ligaments and stabilize the joint or debridement of the tears.
Arthroscopic or open surgery can be done, depending on the case, followed by a period of immobilization of six to 10 weeks.

Chronic ligament tears

Tears older than six weeks or more are called chronic and are more difficult to treat. If cartilage tears are also involved, the prognosis will be less positive.

Treatment of chronic ligament tears

Joint fusion or arthroplasty can be performed in some cases. Even with the best treatment, serious wrist sprains will often have after-effects, and the wrist will remain swollen, stiff and painful or sensitive for a long time. The wrist is a very sophisticated mechanism of joints and ligaments, and traumas often result in serious damage. It is important to treat wrist sprains as early as possible.

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The treatment exceeded my expectations. I was able to resume my normal activities, I who foresaw a long convalescence, without music and without sport. Thank you Dr. Brutus!